• 15 coins per 0.1 miles on bart
  • 20 coins per 0.1 miles on muni metro
  • 25 coins per 0.1 miles on bus
  • 30 coins per 0.1 miles on foot
  • All teams start at Embarcadero BART Station.
  • Game starts at 10:30am and ends at 3:30pm.
  • You start the game by randomly picking three challenges. When you complete a challenge, randomize for a new challenge, using link.
  • For every challenge you must take a photo/video as proof that you completed the challenge. Afterwards, send the photo and challenge name to your opponents in the relevant Discord channel.
  • If you would like another challenge option, you can veto a challenge, whereby you must stay in the same place for 15 minutes and you cannot complete any challenges.
  • If you've completed or vetoed a challenge, you can't do it again.
  • At any point you are allowed to walk away from your current station/bus stop as long as you walk back to it for no cost. This will be very useful for most challenges.
  • For challenges where the reward is a multiplier, before starting the challenge, you must wager any number of your coins. If you succeed, those coins are multiplied by the multiplier. If you fail, you lose all the coins you wagered and you may no longer re-attempt the challenge. If you succeed, you also can't redo the challenge. There's no veto penalty for failing these challenges.
  • If you are the first team to enter a district, you get a welcome bonus of 300 coins. Make sure to send a message so that people know you have claimed it in the corresponding "district-#" channel on discord. No welcome bonus for district 3 or 6.
  • At any time, you may take any amount of your coins and "invest" them in the district you are currently in, by writing the amount you invest in the corresponding "district-#" channel on discord. Whichever team has the most coins invested in a given district controls that district.
  • Winning team is the team that controls the most districts by the end of the game. District map here: link
  • All teams start with 300 coins