spiciest food

Go to a restaurant and ask for the spiciest thing on the menu. You must take a photo of the item and send it to your opponents. You must finish the entire food before proceeding. It must be described by the restaurant as spicy/hot


break any law

Break a law. The law can be from any level of jurisdiction and does not have to be a law in California.


take a picture of an official san francisco landmark

You must be within 100 feet of the landmark when the photo is taken. Find landmarks at link


find any coin on the ground

The coin does not have to be American. It must be a metal coin and valid currency in somewhere (not necessarily a country currency)



Estimate the value of a house at your current location. You must then check on Zillow for the value of the house. Your guess must be within 25%. If incorrect, you must veto.


do 50 jumping jacks

Do 50 jumping jacks. You must record the whole thing. Only one person may perform the jumping jacks at a time but gyou can cumulative add the team member's jumping jacks to get to 50.


find a fancy car

Take a picture of car that has a price of $100,000 or more


touch stranger's dog

Touch a stranger's dog. You must get permission.



Record a 5-minute video criticizing the nearest building to you. You must continuously criticize the building for 5 minutes straight. You may switch who is speaking, but it must be one uncut video of at least 5 minutes long.


advertise arc

You must make a sign with the arc logo and adhere it to some spot at least 3 feet above the ground. It must stick without any human body part touching it. The arc logo can be makeshift but it must still be recognizably arc.


coo-l pigeon

Get close enough to a pigeon to take a picture with both the pigeon and your feet in it. You must have both feet of one person in said photo.


proud arc user

Randomly pick 30 seconds of audio from a video on the browser company's youtube channel. Memorize it and repeat it on camera. First, sort the videos of newest to oldest and randomize a number to pick which video. Then randomize a number to pick when to start your video. If at any point you do not have at least 30 seconds, rerandomize.


nearest muni & bart

Take picture of the nearest BART & MUNI station. There must be a BART sign with the station name in one picture and a MUNI sign with the station name in another. You must also send the address of the point you started from so one can verify the nearest MUNI & BART station.


run a half-mile

You must return to where you started at the end of the half-mile.


find a foreign flag

Find a foreign flag. You must be able to identify what country flag it is.


green in green

Go to a place colored green on google maps and take a picture with something green in that park.


give me a sign

Photograph a street sign with a street name that contains a number (word or digits)


climb a tree

Climb a tree. You must record yourself touching only the tree and not the ground or roots of the tree for 5 seconds.


visit a museum

Go into a museum and stay there for at least 5 minutes. Share a fact that you learned on camera.


use a fancy restroom

Go into a bathroom of a hotel that offers a room over $500


go exactly half a mile

First, set a starting point. Then from there, spin around and point in a random direction. You must then go to a point at least a half-mile in that direction. Unlike other challenges, you don't have to return to where you started.



Get at least 200 feet from any building. Take a picture of said spot to verify.


get on a train immediately

You have 5 minutes AFTER DRAWING THIS CARD to get on a BART or MUNI train. Start a timer now. You must take it at least one stop. You must also be able to afford it. After 5 minutes have passed, discard this card with no veto penalty.


i see u

Photograph your partner from at least 500 feet away. They must be in the photo.



Take a photo of yourself outside a McDonald's


hi high

High five at a point at least 250 feet above sea level.



Find 3 different species of living, non-bug, non-bird, non-human animals. You must clearly capture them on camera.


from downtown

Score a three-pointer on a basketball hoop. You need not use a ball. If there is not a three-point line, you must make it from farther than the circle surrounding the free-throw.


budget baseball

Throw any object at your partner. Your partner must hit that object with another object midair, simulating baseball. You must stand at least 20 ft apart.


break copyright law

Find at least 2 places where we'll have to mute the audio for copyright reasons. Each place must be at least 100 feet apart from any other selected place. Public transport announcements don't count. Any audio volume that can be picked up on camera counts. You may not initiate the playing of any sound on any device.


go to something interesting

Without researching on YouTube, go to something that has a YouTube video about it with at least 100,000 views. The YouTube video's title must either include the thing's name, or clearly be referencing it as its main focus. If you cannot find a video correlating to your location you may either retry or veto the challenge.


see a great wave

View any wave and remark upon how great it is. It may be a real wave or a depiction, though the depiction may not come from anything traveling with you or a digital device.


stalk a bird

You must have a single bird on camera continuously for five minutes. If you ever lose sight of the bird or have to cut, you have to start over. The bird must be alive, and may not be caged.


cut a fruit in half using only your hands

Acquire an fruit. Using only your hands, fully cut the fruit in half.


find an american flag

Find a real American flag, or a depiction of an American flag, in the wild. The flag cannot be created by you in any way.


see something old

# of years = # of coins

You have 5 minutes after drawing this card to find the oldest thing you can. You may declare the challenge complete earlier than 5 minutes if you choose. You may not use technology until after you have decided on the item.


communicate by morse

Stand at least 20 feet away from your partner. Using a random word generator, generate a random 8 letter word. Communicate the word to your partner using morse code. If you fail, you may re-attempt with a new word. You may have a translator on you.


spell any player's name in graffiti

Find all of the letters in any player's first name in already-written graffiti. For example, for Adam, find A, D, and M


last second switch

Go to an undergraduate college campus (not UCSF) and record one team member saying they are changing where they are attending to the college they are currently on


watch a sports event

You must find a TV playing something that is arguably a sports game. You may not use your phone to watch the game.


acquire arc testimonial

Record a stranger using and reviewing Arc.


noncolonial poetry

Memorize the first 4 lines of a poem in a different language and recite them on camera.


fountain transportation

Get some water from on any fountain (water fountain included) and put it in a different fountain.



You must remark about how good of a time you are having for 5 min.



Find any statue and take a picture of you imitating it.



One team member must generate a random number between 1 and 100. You have 10 seconds to find the square of that number. If you fail, veto the card with no time penalty.



You have 5 minutes to run 0.5 miles: 0.25 miles in one direction and then 0.25 back to where you started. If you fail, you have to pay for the distance you ran.



Sing/ad lib BBL Drizzy on the train, and take a video. You only have to recognizeably mouth the words.



Find 2 bench ads.



Find communist imagery: communist country flags, hammer/sickle, famous communist/marxist leaders (Mao, Marx, Stalin, etc.)


actual wallet pain

Buy something overpriced. It must be more expensive than what the exact same item costs on Amazon. You must be able to find the exact same item on Amazon.


this conversation is giving ohio

In a conversation with a stranger use three words (separated by spaces if transcribed) from this list of brainrot terms: skibidi, Ohio, rizz/rizzler, mewing, mogging, ops, gyatt.


arc scavenger hunt

Open up youtube on incognito mode (no past history) and go to the explore page. Without using the search function you must reach a video mainly about the Arc Browser.